Kanungu Mining Project

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Business Plan Technical Report

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  • +256 (0) 772 473 959
  • info@gameplaykla.com
  • Plot 10, Diplomat Rd, Muyenga
Minimise Risks in productivity of environmental improvement by modern methods.


Operational Risk Health Safety and Occupational Hazards:

Dust, Noise, Vibration Musculo-skeletal disorders working conditions of the workers shall be evaluated from time-to-time to ensure compliance with the HSE guidelines. Regular maintenance work will be performed to mitigate operational accidents.

There will be health and medical surveillance and monitoring, respiratory protection, and
prescheduled work shifts to allow for sufficient recuperation of the bodies.

GamePlay Kampala LTD has taken careful consideration to deploy professional competent workforce of over 40 workers (including engineers, geologists, machinists and equipment operators). These will be competitively
remunerated to ensure low attrition rates. They will be supported by up to 150 mining workers,
mainly sourced from the local population, hence offering remunerative wage-jobs to the community.

The productivity of the mines will be heavily leveraged on deployment of the latest computer-aided
technology as well as machines, including the process-production equipment involved in the
excavation/digging, crushing, grinding/milling, leaching and eventual absorption.

Global Pandemic Risk

 In Uganda like elsewhere in the world mining operations have been curtailed by the outbreak of
Covid-19 a global pandemic. GamePlay Kampala LTD
 shall have due regard to the standard operating procedures as laid
out by the Ministry of Health. The management shall ensure strict adherence to the avoid
interruptions in the Mining Lease development.

The use of toxic and environmentally harmful substances shall strictly be prohibited in the Kanungu
gold project. The workers shall be protected from risks related to chemical use. The professional
handlers have competence to ensure worker safety. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that
address the use of personal protective equipment, safe handling, safe use and proper disposal shall
be established.
Training and drills shall be conducted regarding the company’s response plans and chemical hygiene

In the recent past Uganda like other parts of the globe has experienced un even weather patterns.
GamePlay Kampala LTD shall ensure responsible mining practices under the mining Lease to ensure minimal disturbance
to the natural ecology. Water storage and holding reservoirs shall be installed to ensure sufficient
water for both domestic and processing purposes on-site.

Exploration License: EL00264
Mineral Dealer License: MDL20220217
Copyright © 2025 Gameplay Kampala Limited
All rights reserved.