Kanungu Mining Project

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Business Plan Technical Report

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  • info@gameplaykla.com
  • Plot 10, Diplomat Rd, Muyenga


GamePlay Kampala Limited (GPKL) seeks to undertake Gold mining business in Kanyantotogo Sub County Kanungu district of Uganda under a mining lease (EL00264), and
intends to commence operations in 2024. Currently, the Company holds exploration license EL00264 and is focusing on carrying out systematic Exploration.

• Phase 1 applies to the carrying out systematic exploration and quantifying the reserve
base under EL00264 and mapping out the most commercially viable area for commencing
a scheme for mine development. – COMPLETED

• Phase 2 is largely linked to phase1 and GPKL shall commence and extend the mining rights
to 21 years by diligently processing the acquisition of one mining lease. – PROCESSING
The area licensed contains good gold deposits that are highly commercially viable.

The finds of the geotechnical reports (annexed) are an indication of the gold resource potential that is
economically feasible and are sufficient detail and quality to serve as the basis for a decision to
invest in development of the gold mining project

The area under EL00264 is historically known to host artisan and small- scale miners. The gold
economic potential of the project area has can be inferred from the different artisan works.

Having acquired Exploration block EL00264 that is historically proven to host gold sharing the same
mineralized veins like Eastern Congo. The Company’s focus now is on the production of high margin
ounces combined with a disciplined approach to cost containment and capital spending along with a
commitment to shareholder value creation.

Exploration License: EL00264
Mineral Dealer License: MDL20220217
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